GuySpeed Editors

Idiot Driver Dragging Man in Wheelchair to McDonald’s Loses His License
Big Mac? Try big mistake.

Man With an Epic Half-Beard Has Been Arrested
This guy's attempt at shaving is half-hearted.

Man Who Committed Sex Acts With Vegetables Going to Jail for Life
We can only imagine what this guy thinks about butternut squash.

Lunatic Customer Stabs Cook 14 Times During Nacho Disagreement
Maybe blame it on low blood sugar?

Very Important Research Finds We Aren’t Having Sex on Mondays
Monday definitely ain't fun day.

‘The Friend Zone’ As a Horror Movie Feels Waaaay Too Real
Perhaps the only thing worse than being stuck in a mall while your girl goes shoe shopping is NOT being the guy she expects to sit patiently while she goes shoe shopping.

Idiot Runs Into Burning House to Save Beer
The only time it's not okay to enjoy a nice cold one is when it's trapped inside a big hot one.

Dude Jumps Into Crocodile-Filled Water to Score a Date
She may break his heart, but that won't hurt nearly as much as what he's already been through.

Grown Woman Attacks Mom With a Cheeseburger
It's the most mouth-watering crime we've ever heard.

Wife Poisons Husband’s Cereal to Avoid Sex With Him
Call her a cereal (would-be) killer.