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Kemet High
Here Are 50 Hip-Hop Albums That Share the Same Title as Other Albums
While album titles are unique to most artists, there have been many times in hip-hop’s 50-year history where rappers share the same names for their projects.
The Break Presents – Rich Amiri
Booming out of Boston.
The Break Presents – Big Yavo
Gain season.
Here’s Hip-Hop Album Cover Art Fans Hated Over the Last Few Years
There’s a number of album covers that have been shunned by the public on social media.
The Break Presents – 21 Lil Harold
Get used to seeing his name.
Future’s ‘Wait for U’ Featuring Drake and Tems Wins Song of the Year for XXL Awards 2023
And it's still in constant rotation.
The Break Presents – SwaVay
He's on the up and up.
These Are Your Favorite Rappers’ Secret Weapons to Success
Every artist has a secret weapon they use in a way no one else can.
These Rappers Are Earning More Respect as Producers
Playin' both sides like Regina King.
Chance The Rapper on the Making of His New Album, Festival in Ghana and Changing Hip-Hop
Chance The Rapper gives an exclusive interview to XXL about his first festival in Africa, upcoming album and more.