Don't you worry though, we have taken the time to find some of the numbers that you should block or avoid in 2025 as they are known to be scam or spam callers.
Nevertheless, below is a list of things you can still get tagged for, then I think we can all agree that shouldn’t just be taken off the books already.
In fact, there are 4 other colleges that are ranked inside of the top 300 in the country and 44 total Michigan institutions ranked inside of the top 1,600 colleges or universities in the United States.
Firefighters are giving reminders to everyone who was in a similar situation of things that should not be plugged into a power strip because, even on a grounded line, it can cause a potential fire.
It sucks getting stuck inside during the winter in West Michigan, but that doesn't mean you have to have a bad time. Here are some of the best things in the area to do when you want to beat the winter blues.