Haven Reformed Church was filled with concerned residents of Parchment and Cooper Township Tuesday night. The community was seeking answers from officials and a lot of those answers were simply just not available. There were fact sheets and folders available to those attending. Information on what is known about per- and polyfluoroakyl substances, a form to request PFAS sampling, how to talk to your doctor about exposure and even how to cope with the stress of environmental contamination.

Lacy James/ TSM
Lacy James/ TSM

Lt. Governor Brian Calley was the first to speak. He noted how quickly the state was able to respond due the formation of MPART (Michigan PFAS Action Response Team). U.S. Representative Fred Upton spoke about how there is not a lot known about PFAS, like if 70 parts per billion will the acceptable level once we learn more about the perfluorinated chemicals.


One thing was evident, the two communities are stepping up to help each other. The Parchment High School athletics teams and other volunteers have stepped in to help unload, pass out and deliver water.

The source of contamination still has not been identified. Results from some tests are expected to be returned next week. It is seeming less likely the Parchment city water system will be used moving forward. Construction has already begun to retrofit the two communities to the Kalamazoo water system. Though it remains unclear if that is the long term plan.

Contaminated water flushed from the City of Parchment water system was pushed through with water from Kalamazoo City water. The flushed water went to the storm sewer, which drains to the Kalamazoo River. Officials say there no concerns to the health of the river and that chemicals would be rapidly diluted. The other location water was sent was Waste Water Treatment.

More informational meetings are expected as more is learned. Officials will continue to update every day until the crisis is over.

Watch the entire meeting:


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