City Of GR Offers Saturday hours For City Income Tax Department
So today, July 15th, is tax day for your Federal and State tax returns, but if you work and/live in Grand Rapids, the city returns aren’t due until July 31.
The City of Grand Rapids posted to their Facebook page that if you still need to file your City of Grand Rapids income tax return the city’s Income Tax Department will have special weekend hours both this Saturday, July 18, and next Saturday, July 25. Both days the office will be open from 8 AM to 2 PM.
If you do need to visit the Income Tax Department for the City, you’ll need to go to City Hall at 300 Monroe Ave. you can park in the Government Center parking ramp and the city will validate your parking.
The post does remind anyone visiting City Hall on the special Saturday hours or just during normal business hours, that a face mask is required at all times in the building.