Things have gone from bad to worse for DMX. On top of being sentenced to a year in federal prison for his tax evasion case, he's now been ordered to cough up $2.3 million in restitution.

TMZ reports that judge is allowing X to pay off the massive debt in monthly installments of 10% of his gross monthly income starting two months after he's released from prison. The judge has suggested that DMX spend his sentence at the Danbury Federal Correctional Facility, which is the inspiration for Orange Is The New Black.

Additionally, the judge ordered DMX, who has long battled with drug use, to participate in an outpatient substance abuse program and an outpatient mental health program. The judge also added three years of supervised release once X is out of prison.

X's drug use is no secret, and ex- NBA player Jayson Williams has said he feels the rapper should be in rehab, not prison.

"[DMX] can really change the world," he continued. "He can take the stigma off of sobriety. He is not a bad person, he's a sick person that needs help."

For his part, the 47-year-old rapper apologized to the judge and said that he knows taxes need to be paid and what he did was wrong.

"I wasn't following the rules," he said. "I was in a cloud."


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