If Only We All Had a Ben That Was So Intrigued By Our Job
I love #PeopleDoingGood stories, and this one that the City of Grand Rapids shared on their Facebook page is the best.
The story is about a little boy, named Ben who dressed like his favorite city garbage truck driver. During quarantine, in early March, Ben has been getting more and more obsessed with the weekly garbage truck visit on his street. Apparently, when the truck shows up, Ben jumps up and down and starts yelling "*beep, Beep*" and apparently the driver, Andre, has also noticed and started honking and waving at Ben when he comes by.
That's when Ben's parents knew what his Halloween costume needed to be, so they found everything Ben needed to be the cutest little city trash collector and met Andre at street-side to make sure he got a Halloween treat from his youngest fan.
As the Facebook post reads,
We geared up and headed outside when we heard the familiar squeaky brakes and our driver (who we now know as Andre) met us with mutual excitement. Ben delivered a small Halloween goody bag and card. Andre promised to drive a truck Ben can sit in next week so stay tuned!•Times are tough. Today is hard. Bring joy and spread kindness wherever you can. Thank you to people like Andre who make our days a little brighter.