Is Coffee Good or Bad For Your Bones?
If you love coffee, have you ever wondered it could be good or bad for your bones?
According to WZZM, a new study was taken by over 550 people and those who habitually drank coffee turned out to have more bone mass that those who did not drink coffee at all.
A medical doctor at the Cleveland Clinic, Chad Deal said, "three metabolites, in particular were associated with an increase in bone density in the population, and also, a decrease in the risk of fracture."
The effects of coffee on human bones has been done before but the results have all been conflicting.
In early research data found that the more caffeine a person drinks, the more calcium is excreted from the body. The main component in bone is calcium, and researchers thought drinking coffee would lead to an imbalance in the body that would inhibit bone formation.
Dr. Deal suggest that if you are a coffee drinker, you shouldn't be worried about its impact on your bone health.
Dr. Deal said, "for all those folks who drink lots of coffee and are concerned about the health effects of coffee, this is good news. It appears to show that coffee is, in general, probably good for bone health."