I am ready to put recalls in the forbidden category alongside death and taxes, yeah you know, the category of things that are guaranteed to happen in our lifetime. We are bound to see hundreds of product recalls ranging from toys and food to vehicles and manufacturing parts every year. I understand it's to keep us safe but why not have stricter rules for manufacturers?

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We could ask these age-old questions until we turn blue in the face, and we won't receive an answer, but we all know that would costs these companies too much money. This year we have already seen multiple recalls most of them for vehicles and food, this time it's another food product that you must refrain from purchasing or eating.

It's always shocking when popular food items are placed on recall because we instantly start thinking about what other products could land on the list and how that company must feel having to lose out on their profit. This time, Frito Lay put out a recall for their Lay's potato chips all across the country, including here in Michigan.

In December of 2024, 13 Oz Classic Lay's potato chips were placed on recall for having undeclared milk ingredients. This recall has now been upgraded to the highest threat level by the FDA which states that consuming the chips could lead to adverse health consequences.

Those that are allergic or have severe sensitivity to milk may be placing themselves in danger to the tune of serious or life-threatening injuries if they accidentally or purposely ignore the recall. The recalled bags will have a “Guaranteed Fresh Date” of Feb. 11, 2025, on the front of the bag and UPC number 28400 31041.

15 Discontinued Snack Chips for Michigan In 2025

Below are the 15 snacks that will be discontinued this year in alphabetical order.

Gallery Credit: Dana Marshall