Want to work outside helping to care for and protect Michigan's natural resources? The DNR is hiring for multiple positions in 2024.

Michigan DNR Hiring More Than 1,000 Full-Time and Part-Time Workers

If you or someone you know has always wanted to work for the DNR, now is the time.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is looking to fill more than 1,000 full-time and part time positions.

Tyler Leipprandt and Michigan Sky Media LLC via MI DNR, Facebook
Tyler Leipprandt and Michigan Sky Media LLC via MI DNR, Facebook

The DNR says they're seeking "outdoor lovers, conservation-minded folks and anyone who wants to help wildlife thrive".

Open positions include:

    • More than 1,300 summer park workers and 60 seasonal park rangers.
    • Temporary wildlife workers in positions across the state, in roles that help maintain healthy wildlife populations.
    • Full-time, peak-season and on-call wildland firefighters.
    • Foresters and forest technicians to help manage public land for varied uses, including outdoor recreation, wildlife habitat, timber production and more.
    • Seasonal park interpreters to lead hikes/activities and present fun programs tied to each park's unique natural and cultural resources.
    • Historical interpreters who will hone their skills in education program creation and presentation, exhibit development, collections care and site operations.

The positions range in pay from $15 per hour to $38.24 per hour.

MI DNR, Facebook
MI DNR, Facebook

The DNR is also hiring and training seasonal educators to lead the new Nature Awaits program, in which  fourth grade students get hands-on experiences at Michigan parks.

In addition to these opportunities, there are current postings for other DNR career positions like marketing research coordinator and fisheries research biologist manager.

How to Apply For Michigan DNR Positions

You can apply current DNR postings on the state of Michigan's jobs page. Filter by department name or search "wildlife" to show opportunities.

Learn more about working with the Michigan DNR here.

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