A lot of people are disappointed that Michigan's 2024 Black Lake Sturgeon season has been canceled for the first time in history.

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History of Michigan's Black Lake Sturgeon Fishing Season


The Black Lake sturgeon season got its start back in 1948. The two-month season allowed anglers to spear lake sturgeon from January to February. Anglers were allowed two fish during this time frame that had to be at least 36 inches in length.


It only took a few years before the Michigan Department of Natural Resources realized the lake sturgeon numbers were dropped so they raised the minimum length to 42 inches in 1952.


Lake sturgeon can live 100 years or more. They grow pretty fast in the first 10 years but to reproduce it takes much longer. Males reach their sexual maturity around 15 to 20 years old and males reach maturity around 20 to 25 years old. This presents a problem for the lake sturgeon numbers because if they are caught before they mature, they won't be making new ones for anglers to catch.


As the DNR began to understand the lake sturgeon better and to keep their numbers from declining or even worse, extinction, they lowered the season to 9 days or until the first 5 fish were caught. This rule change lasted from 2000 to 2009 but they lowered the length to 36 inches again. The rules have changed over the years with this year's season running from February 3 to the 7 with a limit of 5 fish in a day or 6 harvested during the time limit.

Michigan's 2024 Black Lake Sturgeon Season Canceled

Michigan Department of Natural Resources/canva.com
Michigan Department of Natural Resources/canva.com

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has canceled the 2024 Black Lake sturgeon season that was set to start on Saturday, February 3. Due to the above-average temperatures, the ice conditions are not safe enough for anglers and the DNR to be out on the ice. This is the first time in history the Black Lake sturgeon season has been canceled. No word if the harvest numbers will increase or not for next season.

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