Michigan Laws You Don’t Know You’re Breaking
From painting sparrows red to selling them as parakeets, to only getting out of your car on the sidewalk side, Michigan has some strange laws that are still in effect.
While a few have been repealed, such as it being illegal to curse in front of women and children, there are a lot of laws that are well past their prime that you could be breaking as we speak.
The question is...do you think we should get rid of these laws in Michigan?

Being drunk on a train in Michigan is illegal
So before you get on the train and take a few shots, you may want to brush up on your Michigan laws.
Michigan Legislature, Section 436.201 says,
No person shall while in an offensive state of intoxication enter or be on or remain upon any railway train or interurban car as a passenger.
No lemon drops on the train for you! Also, what's an "offensive state of intoxication"?
Your bathing suit must be inspected in Rochester, Michigan
According to the law, the head of police in the city of Rochester has to inspect bathing suits.
If I am ever in Rochester and a police officer comes up to me trying to "inspect my bathing suit," I will not be responsible for what I do next.
No smoking in bed in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Sheesh, well good thing I don't live in the Soo because I would have a rude awakening.
You can't sell a car on Sunday in Michigan
Welp, if you were expecting to sell your car anytime soon, make sure it is not on a Sunday.
Back in 1953, a law was put in place in Michigan that says,
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the business of buying, selling, trading or exchanging new, used or second-hand motor vehicles or offering to buy, sell, trade or exchange, or participate in the negotiation thereof, or attempt to buy, sell, trade or exchange any motor vehicle or interest therein, or of any written instrument pertaining thereto, on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday.
Sheesh, sounds extremely specific to me!