Holiday Pop Up Pet Food Pantry Set For Wednesday in West Michigan
The Harbor Humane society in Ottawa County is planning on a 'pop-up pet food pantry' on Wednesday ahead of the Christmas & New Year's holidays.

In an effort to keep pets in their homes, the Harbor Humane Society traditionally holds a pet food pantry for the needy on the 2nd Wednesday of every month.
But as the holidays approach, the harbor Humane Society is holding a 'Pop-Up Pet Pantry' on Wednesday the 22nd.
When & where is the pet food pantry?
Join us at our food pantry warehouse at 100 North Aniline Road in Holland (just past Captain Sundae on Ottawa Beach Road) on 12/22 from 2-5pm.
What items are available at the pet food pantry?
Available items will include dog and cat food (limited amounts of canned/wet), some small animal food and bedding, treats and some toys and other items at a limited quantity.
Are there any limits on items at the pet food pantry?
As our mission is to help as many families and pets in need, we ask everyone be respectful of items requested (what you are truly in need of), and that we keep donations appropriate, per number of animals in the home (ie for a large dog, we would typically provide 1 large bag of dog food, 1-2 bags of treats, etc).
How does the process work for the pet food pantry?
The pantry is drive through, so when you arrive please line up accordingly, and wait for us to come to your car. If this is your first time utilizing our pantry, you will need to complete paperwork in your car while you wait.