With all the vaping deaths and illnesses in Michigan and across the country, many are walking away from vaping, but what do you do with all your vaping gear?

According to WOOD, some Muskegon health officials are giving you the opportunity to get rid of your old vaping products that the county will dispose of.

You can drop off your vaping cartridges, e-cig units, e-juice containers that are full or empty plus any new or used batteries. Muskegon County's health department and Knowsmoke Coalition are on a mission to get the word out that vaping is bad and will help you get rid of your vaping products.


Many of the vaping products are loaded with extremely high levels of nicotine, which can be toxic, especially if you or someone else mixed the juice with another product.

The Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth have done research on Muskegon County high school students and have data that shows vaping for students has increased over 40% just since 2016.

If you plan on dropping off your vape products, make sure to put them in a sealed lead proof bag. The place to bring your vape goods will be at Muskegon County's public health building that is located at 209 E Apple Avenue. Officials ask that you stop by during normal business hours, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

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