GRPD Officer Featured and Interviewed on A&Es ‘PD Cam’
Congrats to Grand Rapids Police Officer Kaitlin Bernardo who got a shout out on the GRPD Facebook page for being featured on A&E’s Live PD Cam.
‘Live PD presents PD Cam’ is an offshoot to the popular weekend program ‘Live PD’ where the cameras follow the police officers live. The new show ‘PD Cam’ actually uses the footage of police body and dash cams to get the video for the show. The show is a true behind the scenes look at “REAL” police work.
Toward the end of the show, on Episode 14, they feature footage from Grand Rapids. It’s an incident where GRPD arrived on the scene where a “disturbed woman was walking down the street with a large knife.” Officer Kaitlin Bernardo was able to negotiate with and talk down the woman who had the knife.
Because of the great work she and the other officers did to subdue to the lady without injury to the lady or the other officers, she was invited to go to New York, where 'PD Cam' and 'Live PD' originate from.
Sgt. Larkins, the host of ‘PD Cam’, interviewed Officer Bernardo about being a hostage negotiator and they walked through some points about the incident. The Grand Rapids segment starts around 14:07.
It was cool to see police from our area doing their thing and hearing how Officer Bernardo worked to keep the lady calm and everyone safe. It’s also crazy to see that happen here in our city. You watch these shows and they’re always somewhere else, so it’s cool to see our police department recognized for solid work!