Magic 104.9’s GR Summer Project is open
Magic 104.9 presents the 2019 GR Summer Project. Last year we had over 75 kids register and become the change they want to see in their community. There was even a group of kids who started their own non-profit (LPUGR.org).
Magic 104.9’s Gr Summer Project Is free! Empower your voice to be heard. Individuals or teams sign up now for FREE! Connect with concerts , experiences and the opportunity to share your project , highlight your organization’s work and meet other leaders right here in community.
Youth Programs , churches, friends , families take the Gr Summer Project Challenge. Go to Grsummerproject.org, to sign up. Magic 104.9 will be highlighting your students , team and impact. Producing a 3-5 minute video on your organization! Meet the students and connect your story with the project. Our community will vote and the Winning project will win $1049.00. Presentations and team performances will happen 7/20 at HOME in the BOB.
This year, we are opening it up to kids from around the region. If you are passionate about Business, Bullying, Hunger/Homelessness, Police/Community Connection, Diversity/Inclusion and Mental Health/School Challenges then sign up is open for students and organizations ready for the #Grsummerproject challenge go to GRsummerProject.org to learn more & sign up your team.