In this Reddit thread, a user by the name of YutongH shared a map of the United States and their tint laws.

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This map showed the darkest legal front-side window tint by state.

On the map, Michigan is sitting at 0% and I was so confused. Is that real?


Before you go somewhere local and get your car tinted, know the Michigan law restrictions.

What Are The Window Tinting Laws in Michigan?

As you know now, that Reddit thread isn't entirely incorrect. Michigan does have tint darkness laws, which are based on the Visible Light Transmission (VLT).

That means that the higher the VLT%, the more light can pass through. As for vice versa, the lower the VLT%, the darker the tint will be.

Legal Tint For Sedans, SUVs, and Vans

For windshields, the law says any darkness, non-reflect tint is allowed above the manufacturer's AS-1 line.

As for the back side and rear windows, any darkness can be used. For front side windows, any darkness can be applied but only on the top 4 inches.

While Michigan does not have a specific limit for tint darkness, there is a limit for solar reflections.

For front side and back side windows on sedans, SUVs, and vans, you cannot have the tint be more than 35% reflective.

As for tail lights, I have seen a few people out here tinting their headlights and tail lights.

For those people, you cannot be darkened or obstructed. All lights must not be obstructed or altered.

If you want to know more details, you can visit the Michigan Legislature Section 257.709.

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