GRPD posted on their Facebook page a great story about how Ofc. Lynema helped a 9-year-old boy have the best birthday yet!

The boy is Thomas Daniel and Ofc. Lynema met him after seeing the boy run for the bus, but he missed it, so when the officer stopped to ask if he needed help, Thomas revealed that his mom didn’t have a car and he was now going to miss school.

The post goes on to say the officer got permission to take the boy to school and on the way found out it was Thomas’ 9th birthday, and he had a party that night, which he invited Ofc Lynema to,  but he was nervous none of his classmates would show up because sadly Thomas is bullied

That night both cool and heartbreaking happened. Ofc. Lynema showed up to the party, which is such a cool gesture, but sadly none of Thomas’ classmates showed up.

Here’s where you’ll need to grab some tissues and yell “I’m not crying, you’re crying!”

So the next day Ofc Lynema got “backup” as the GRPD Facebook post says, and he brought some other officers along with a Krispy Kreme birthday cake and some presents.  They met Thomas at the bus stop and sang to him as well as throwing a second, more fun party!

This is my favorite part of the story,

 "This is the best birthday ever!" Thomas told them.


It’s so sad, that Thomas and so many other kids are bullied in school.  As someone who was bullied to the extreme growing up, I can promise you THIS DOES NOT BUILD CHARACTER. It’s mean, and because of the 24/7 access kids can have now, it’s deadly!  The sad part is, bullying happens from other hurt people. WE have to break the cycle by speaking up. Tell someone when you see bullying happen and if you can, stand up and say something at the time.

Ofc. Lynema and other on the GRPD, thanks for being awesome!

The GRPD post wraps up the story the best,

No kid should get bullied, and no kid should worry if anyone will come to the party. Next year Thomas Daniel, make sure you drop us that invite a little sooner. We wouldn't want to miss it!

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