This Simple Snow Day Craft Can Bring Smiles To West Michigan Kids in NeedThis Simple Snow Day Craft Can Bring Smiles To West Michigan Kids in NeedAre the kids getting stir crazy? Here's a great craft idea that can keep them busy while providing a smile for a child in West Michigan.Laura HardyLaura Hardy
Women’s Tackle Football is a Real Thing in Grand RapidsWomen’s Tackle Football is a Real Thing in Grand RapidsI honestly didn't know this was a real thing. Women's Tackle Football is alive and well in Grand Rapids. We have a team, the Grand Rapids Tidal Waves! Andy RentAndy Rent
Celebrate Fall with the Family at Kids’ Food Basket’s First Ever Fall FestivalCelebrate Fall with the Family at Kids’ Food Basket’s First Ever Fall FestivalKids' Food Basket, a local nonprofit that provides nourishing meals to children in need in West Michigan, is inviting the public to their farm for their first ever Fall Festival!JannaJanna