Waze Will Now Alert You to Icy or Unplowed Roads
Waze, the navigation app, is becoming more useful than giving me directions and letting me know where the police are, as they've added a new feature to their platform that tells users when a road hasn't been plowed or is in rough condition because of snow.
If you're unfamiliar with Waze it's an app that gives you directions to wherever you're going but it allows users to add in hazards such as stopped vehicles, accidents, and weather-related issues, as well as where police are sitting on the roadside, which alerts others of possible slowdowns - and making it safer for anyone stopped on the side of the road.
So Androidpolice.com posted a press release from Waze announcing the new "Ice" and "Unplowed Road" feature to their weather hazards section - which has included fog, hail, flood.
Waze says they've been working with the Virginia Department of Transportation, and this was an idea they asked for and has now been implemented across the Waze platform in 185 countries, according to their press release.
With the winter season approaching, VDOT suggested that Waze create the option to better highlight snow on the road within the app.
You can check out the new "unplowed road" feature by opening the app and going to “Hazards -> Weather -> Unplowed Road.”

source: Androidpolice.com