Frederik Meijer Gardens’ Butterflies Are Starting To Emerge
Good news for everyone who, like me, is tired of this cloudy winter and ready for spring. MLive reports that the butterflies are emerging at Frederik Meijer Gardens in anticipation of the 25th annual "Butterflies are Blooming" exhibit, the nation's largest temporary butterfly exhibit.
This means both A) spring is almost here!! and B) we're about to have something spring-like and topical to go do and temporarily escape the "way too much" gray winter we've had
The Butterflies are Bloomin exhibit opens March 1st and goes until April 30th. Frederik Meijer Gardens will have extended hours April 6th - 10th according to MLive, which means they have thousands of butterflies from different tropical regions.
From MLive:
Approximately 60 colorful species of butterflies and moths journey from Costa Rica, Ecuador, the Philippines and Kenya to fly freely in the Lena Meijer Tropical Conservatory. The five-story tall, 15,000-square-foot glass enclosure will stay at 85 degrees and 70 percent humidity.
While you're enjoying the humid tropical feel while being surrounded by thousands of butterflies, you'll also learn about Nathanial Ward, who created the Wardian case, which because of how well things grew away from pollution, was the start of greenhouses and such. The more you know, right?
Here's what MLive says you'll see as part of the "glass houses" theme:
“This year’s theme offers our community a sense of wonder with magical glass houses from 4 feet tall to our iconic 50-foot-tall Lena Meijer Tropical Conservatory,” said Lisa Roo, annual exhibitions lead designer and project manager.
Have I mentioned how long and grey this winter has been? I'm ready for March to come around so I can sweat with some butterflies for a bit. If you want more info on FMG or the "Butterflies are Blooming" exhibit, click HERE.