If you are a fan of the theater, good news, the Grand Rapids theater will soon be getting restored.

According to WZZM, a property manager by the name of Marcus Ringnalda recently announced plans on Facebook to bring the old Regent that has been closed since the 1960s back to life. The Regent used to be a music venue, dance club and youth center but with a new face lift, the sky is the limit.

Originally before the theater was the Regent it was called the Four Star Theater.

Ringnalda bought the building in the summer of 2017. Since then, he has quit his full time job and going all in on restoring the historic theater.

The the theater is in the Burton Heights neighborhood and Ringnalda is hoping to create spaces for the neighborhood business's to use for meetings.

If you would like to follow along with the progress and see the plans there is a Facebook page dedicated to the Four Star Theater upgrades.

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