If you are new to Michigan, there are definitely some colloquial words and phrases you'll need to learn.

Words and Phrases Michiganders Understand

To be fair, every region and state has their own words and phrases for things, but now that you're in the Mitten State you'll want to get these new ones under your belt. For instance, when the server asks what kind of pop you want, they're talking about "soda".

To make sure you're in the know at all times, here are seven words and phrases you need to learn if you're new to Michigan.

Michigan Left


A Michigan Left is a special type of turn within the Mitten State. When intersections are particularly busy, instead of turning left at the intersection, you drive through it and instead make a U-turn at a median crossover.


Faygo - Amazon
Faygo - Amazon

If you want a sweet, carbonated beverage at a restaurant, make sure you order a pop and not a soda. Looking for a good Michigan-made pop? Give Faygo or Vernors a try.


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Getty Images

Please make sure you say it correctly... it's past-ee, not paste-y. And you can give it a try for a meal because it's a yummy meat and veggie filled pastry pocket. Enjoy with gravy or ketchup.

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Party Store

Photo via GoogleMaps
Photo via GoogleMaps

When a Michigander says they need to go to the party store, they don't mean a place like Party City, where you get balloons filled up. Instead, they mean a small shop where they can pick up pop, booze, lotto tickets, and some snacks.


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Canva Pro

A Yooper is a nickname for Michiganders who live in the Upper Peninsula.

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Canva Pro

A Troll is a nickname for Michiganders who live in the Lower Peninsula, or "under the bridge" as it were.


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Canva Pro

This is just a funny one because Michiganders have a tendency to speak quickly and drop letters from words. So if you hear the word "meer", what you're really hearing is mirror.

Questions About Michigan That Totally Stumped 'Jeopardy' Contestants

Only the smartest of the smart are selected to appear on the TV game show "Jeopardy", but sometimes contestants aren't as well-versed on Michigan as perhaps they should be. Here are 19 questions (er, answers) that totally stumped 'Jeopardy' contestants.

Gallery Credit: JR

13 Random Facts Stuck in the Minds of Michiganders

Besides being useful for a night out at bar trivia or a bit of nostalgia, random facts can be kind of useless. It's basically like an earworm, but instead of a song getting stuck in your brain, it's a random thing you have memorized. Once you know it, you can't unknow it. We asked, and you answered; here are 13 useless things Michiganders have memorized.

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

15 Products Michiganders Will Never Buy the Off-Brand Of

For certain products, Michiganders definitely have their favorites and off-brand just won't do. Find out which name-brand products Michiganders are loyal to. And get ready for a split down the middle when it comes to mayo loyalty.

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews