Don’t Panic! Tornado Siren Drills Resume In Kent County
What the heck was that sound?
Did you hear a loud siren?
Why will loud sirens be more frequent in Kent County?

When Will The Siren Tests Start Happening?
The sirens that will be taking place around Kent County will be tested on the first Friday of each month.
You will hear the siren tests from April until October at 12 PM noon.
What Does It Mean When I Hear The Sirens?
If the sirens are in fact real, you should seek shelter indoors and turn on your radio or television to get any official announcements.
Access Kent shared that,
"Outdoor warning sirens are used to advise citizens of possible dangers to the community. Some of these events include tornado warnings or high wind warnings issued by the National Weather Service or chemical emergencies. For incidents of long duration, sirens will be periodically activated. There is no siren to indicate the end of an event.”
So, if this is real, what should I do next?
What If There Is A Real Tornado? What Do I Do?
As said above, you should find the safest place for shelter during the winds or tornado, which is a basement under something sturdy.
"If there is no basement, take cover in the center of the house or building on the lowest floor in a small room (such as a bathroom or closet). The more walls between you and the outside the safer you may be."
If you are inside a vehicle, you should find shelter in a ditch, ravine, or safe structure. Do not by any means hide under a highway overpass.
If you live in a mobile home, Access Kent says to find shelter elsewhere once you notice the first signs of severe weather. You should contact the Park manager before the emergency happens to find out where the shelter is.
You should also have a safety kit ready! The county recommends the following in your kit.
Safety Kit For Tornados
- Flashlight
- Food, snacks
- Extra Batteries
- Extra clothing
- Bottled water
- Canned food
- Towels
- Cell phone
- Heavy plastic
- Duct tape
- First aid kit
- Can opener
- Battery operated radio
Lastly, make sure your entire family knows the emergency plan.
- Pick two places to meet:
- Right outside your home in case of a sudden emergency, like a fire.
- Outside your neighborhood in case you can't return home. Everyone must know the address and phone number of this location.
- Post emergency numbers by phone (fire, ambulance, police, etc.)
- Teach children how and when to call 911.
You can read the full details here.
2024 Michigan County By County Tornado Risk Projections
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