It is summertime, which means every single kid is on vacation from school.

They want to do these with their friends with no chance of school the next day.

However, even though there is no school, did you know that kids still have a curfew in Grand Rapids?

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Grand Rapids Curfew Times

This was new information for me!

Summer Sizzle

While I could guess that, you would not want to have your child out late at night, I did not know there was a citywide enforced curfew.

Since I was unaware, I figured I would share the knowledge with you so you and your child do not end up in trouble.

According to the Grand Rapids Code of Ordinance, there is an entire chapter (Chapter 156) detailing curfews.

Section 9.231 explains that between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM, minors under twelve cannot "loiter, idle, congregate, traverse, or remain in or upon any public street, highway, alley or park" unless they have a partner or guardian with them.


As for minors under fifteen, the same rules apply but with a few minor tweaks. Minors under fifteen cannot be outside alone between the hours of 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM unless they have a parent or guardian, or an adult who is over 21 years old with parental permission.

Lastly, for minors under seventeen years old, you cannot "loiter, idle, congregate, traverse, or remain in or upon any public street, highway, alley or park" between the hours of midnight to 6:00 AM, with the same stipulations as the fifteen years old.

If you thought that was it, you are mistaken.

Can Parents Get In Trouble If Their Kids Do Abide By Curfew Code?

It seems like the answer to that is yes.

The Code Of Ordinances even mentions that anyone who aids or abets a minor to not abide by the code can get in legal trouble.

You can read the entire Code Of Ordinance about curfews to get more information.

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Gallery Credit: jojogirard

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