Truckers Who Hit the 100th Street Bridge… Blame the Bridge!
WZZM 13's 13 on Your Side Watchdogs caught up with three of the drivers that have hit the 100th Street bridge in Byron Township, and all three drivers believe the bridge is to blame.
Wait. What?
According to WZZM, the bridge was built in 1957 and hasn't changed since being built. The bridge is actually 14 feet 1 inch but is labeled at 13 feet 11 inches.
Regardless, the truck drivers still blame the bridge for the accidents.
MDOT keeps records of bridges across the state and said from 1985 to 2003 the 100th Street bridge was hit 6 times which winds up being once every three years. In 2018 alone, the bridge has been hit once every two weeks.
Here is a list of bridge hits starting in 2017 through 2018:
- February 22, 2017
- May 26, 2017
- January 12, 2018 (2 trucks from same company hit the bridge on the same day)
- January 22, 2018
- March 5, 2018
- March 22, 2018
- April 3, 2018
- April 6, 2018
- May 11, 2018
One driver from South Carolina who hit the bridge doesn't want his company to send him up north anymore. Another driver said he's driven millions of miles without incident and was embarrassed when he hit the bridge. A driver from Kalamazoo who hit the bridge was fired from his job.
MDOT also said the bridge has not settled over time and every time it gets hit gets remeasured and the bridge measurements have not changed since the 1950s.
The bridge is scheduled to be rebuilt and raised in 2020. In the interim, MDOT is going to rebuild the road underneath the bridge this fall to knock off a few more inches of clearance.