It's giving Grand Rapids and the United States' HERstory!

Have you seen the latest campaign video for Vice President Kamala Harris?

You may see a pillar in the Grand Rapids community featured in it.

Grand Rapids Business Featured VP Harris Latest Campaign Video

On July 21, 2024, Vice President Kamala Harris announced her Presidential campaign. Since that day, the Harris For President team has been cranking out content on all social media platforms and television.

In the latest "Harris For President" campaign video titled "Fearless," Della Soul Records is featured at the 34-second mark of the 1-minute-long video! 

I am not going to lie! I definitely screamed when I saw this beautiful moment.

Back in February 2024, Vice President Kamala Harris made a stop at Della Soul Records. Now that moment has been further cemented into history.

Della Soul Records

If you drive on Kalamazoo Avenue, you will see Della Soul Records. It is the only business that I go to to add to my vinyl collection!

Della Soul Records is an " eccentric and quaint vinyl record and cultural gift store to southeast Grand Rapids, Michigan."

So next time you are out and about in Grand Rapids, you need to head over to Della Soul Records since Vice President Harris gave her a stamp of approval.

New West Michigan Restaurants 2024

More than 20 new restaurants, including authentic Mexican eateries, brunch joints, African-fusion restaurants, juice bars, Italian spots and more have opened so far in West Michigan in 2024.

How many have you been to?

As more restaurants open up, we'll add them to the list! So be sure to check back.

Gallery Credit: Janna

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