Get Involved With the #GRSummerProject
What are the changes you'd like to see happen in our local community? Magic 104.9 is encouraging local kids to be the change you want to see in our community.
We BELIEVE our kids are the future. With so much going on in the world today, #GRSUMMERPROJECT is a summer initiative created to empower our kids to not only identify problems but lead solutions this summer. By connecting our youth with funding, mentors, and opportunity to implement the change they want to see in our community .
So, Magic 104.9, Grand Rapids Area Schools, and our sponsors will ask students to take the #GRSummerProject pledge. Students will share a problem they want to solve & be teamed up with a coach and other students who are passionate about solving the same problem. Each team will be funded $1,049.00 and challenged to spend June 12th thru August 3rd impacting the change they want to see in our community.
Teams will share progress with blogs, video and updates via Radio and social media. At the end of the summer, our whole community will be invited to an end of summer party. There, we will celebrate our students and see the results of the #GRSummerProject.
We will be focusing on three categories: Community Advocacy, Business, and Music.
Want to be a part of the change? Fill out the form below!
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